Ettersom desentralisert økonomi ser sine første fusjoner og oppkjøp, sitter vi igjen med et stort spørsmål: Hvordan verdsetter du et open source-prosjekt i et helt […]
WeiterlesenThe worst ugly Christmas sweaters to show off your Bitcoin passion
Happy HODL everyone! – Without going so far as to ban Christmas trees, as some dare to impose, there is at least one tradition of […]
WeiterlesenIl prezzo Bitcoin scende di 1.000 dollari nel peggiore affare della settimana
Il Bitcoin è sceso precipitosamente nelle ultime ore e sta testando un livello chiave di supporto psicologico vicino ai 18.000 dollari. Verso le 06:00 UTC […]
Det har været vildt de sidste par uger for Bitcoin og kryptomarkedet, hvor benchmark-kryptokurrency postede enorme gevinster, mens resten af markedet også viser kontinuerlige tegn […]
WeiterlesenIs the Bitcoin Code platform a scam or is it reliable?
A distrust of the credibility and reliability of the Bitcoin Code automated trading platform arises among cryptomoney enthusiasts. Over time, different platforms have emerged, offering […]
WeiterlesenEthereum price cracks 2-year high at $ 500: will the $ 1,400 follow this year?
The Ethereum price has reached the $ 500 mark for the first time since June 2018 and is currently exceeding the annual return of Bitcoin […]
WeiterlesenEl programa de la cadena de bloques ‚Game changing‘
El programa de la cadena de bloques ‚Game changing‘ sigue a los mangos en Australia „El impacto de este proyecto se extenderá más allá de […]
WeiterlesenSouth Korea disputes jurisdiction over North Korean hacker attacks on crypto exchanges
Which authority in South Korea has to deal with the crypto-hacker attacks of the North Korean regime? A heated political debate has flared up in […]
WeiterlesenEOS atteindra-t-il encore 3 $?
EOS se négocie dans un coin descendant à court terme. Le prix se négocie entre le support et la résistance à 2,50 $ et 2,95 […]
WeiterlesenFederal Police investigate suspected Mint fraud involving R$ 200 bill
Samples of paints sent by a public company are the subject of a complaint by the Public Prosecutor’s Office of São Paulo Federal Police investigates […]